The Taxpayer Identification Number is a unique number that’s given to an individual, a registered business, or an incorporated company for the purpose of tax payment. This number is generated by the Tax Authority and serves an identification purpose. Hence, 2 different individuals or corporations cannot have the same TIN. In this post, I’ll take you through how to check or retrieve your TIN from the online portal that the Joint Tax Board has provided. READ MORE: GTBank Quick Credit Loan: Eligibility, How to Apply, USSD Code

Check TIN Online in Nigeria

Follow the steps below to check or retrieve your TIN online in Nigeria.

Visit the TIN portal hosted on the Joint Tax Board here.Select your date of birth or the date of company incorporation, as the case may be.

Select your preferred criteria from the drop-down to use for the search. It can be BVN, NIN, or registered number.

Enter the value of the search criteria you choose. For example, if you choose the NIN, enter your NIN number in this stage.

Click the ReCaptcha box to confirm that you’re a real person.

Click on the Search button.

This brings up your TIN number if you have it registered.

And that’s the process of checking your TIN online. Please let us know in the comments section if you got stuck at any stage. We will try our best to help you out.

How to Check Your Tax Identification Number  TIN  Online in Nigeria - 16How to Check Your Tax Identification Number  TIN  Online in Nigeria - 16How to Check Your Tax Identification Number  TIN  Online in Nigeria - 37How to Check Your Tax Identification Number  TIN  Online in Nigeria - 3How to Check Your Tax Identification Number  TIN  Online in Nigeria - 15How to Check Your Tax Identification Number  TIN  Online in Nigeria - 70How to Check Your Tax Identification Number  TIN  Online in Nigeria - 97How to Check Your Tax Identification Number  TIN  Online in Nigeria - 74How to Check Your Tax Identification Number  TIN  Online in Nigeria - 58How to Check Your Tax Identification Number  TIN  Online in Nigeria - 40