In this article, we will discuss the different type of malware and the threat they pose. What is Malware? The term Malware was from two words “Malicious” and “software”. Malware are software designed and used by criminally minded developers to try to steal information from private computers. Every time we access the internet, open an email or download a content from the internet, we are exposed to such attacks. These malware can come from different sources; external storage devices, downloaded files, audios, images and videos. Malware are of different types including virus, worm, Trojans, rootkits, spyware, adware etc. Virus Virus is a very common malware and it is the most used malware to cause damage to a computer and steal vital information. They have the ability to execute themselves and spread to other computers and devices. Worm Unlike virus that collect modified and corrupted files, worms consume network bandwidth. They are much more dangerous because they can be activated automatically without human interaction or directives from the malware developer. Trojan Trojan is a type of malware that appear as a legitimate and harmless program, just to gain access to a computer system. It must be executed by its victim to do its work. The most common type of Trojan is the fake antivirus program that shows up and claims you’re infected. Spyware In the early stages of spyware, it was only used to monitor pages visited by user, and other browsing habits. but overtime, spyware have been used and is still being used to steal information from a computer and even change the computer settings. Rootkit Rootkit simply takes over the control of your operating system without your consent, and also without been detected. They are the most effective way to attack a computer without being detected because of its ability to hide from almost all antivirus programs. Adware Adware are not harmful to our computers, they are only annoying. They are programs that automatically displays and downloads advertisement on your computer with users being unable to interfere. Keyloggers Keyloggers are basically used to monitor all the activities of users on their computers. They include email activities, keystrokes and web pages visited. Ransomware Ransomware is designed to infect and encrypt system data. Cyber-criminals use this to demand ransom payment from vulnerable individuals in exchange for the decryption of their computer system’s data.

All you need to know about malware  Trojan  viruses  rootkit  ransomware  spyware - 82All you need to know about malware  Trojan  viruses  rootkit  ransomware  spyware - 13